Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Push: Chris Evans

I'm looking forward to the 2009 film Push. It's a Sci-fi thriller a bit like a more adult Xmen. Main reason to watch ...... Chris Evans! Hot.


Top 5: Music Albums of All Time

1. Kelly Clarkson: Breakaway
This is my definite favourite album, it flows brilliantly between styles and tempo, with some great songs, particuarly Since you've been gone and Because of You.

2. Stereophonics: Performances and Cocktails
A great album, except Roll up and Shine, subtle and powerful, particuarly Bartender and the Thief and She Takes her clothes off.

3. Hearsay: Popstars
Hang on!Hearsay, i hear you say, see what i did there! Ok, they weren't exactly musical gold but the album is pretty decent and i remember listening to it a lot when i was looking at University prospectus's so it represents a lot of looking forward to the future for me!

4. Girls Aloud: Tangled Up
Girls aloud are brilliant, the less said about Out of Control the better, however, tangled up is great. Some great releases backed up by some amazing album songs such as Blackjacks and Close to Love. Brilliant on tour as well!

5. Pink: I'm Not Dead
A classic album, and a totally underrated singer with some heartfelt mix of styles and tunes.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Josh Henderson

Once again, thought i'd share a nice pic i stumbled on, of a favourite namesake of mine! Yum!

This has cheered me up, as i've had a really bad few days, nothing seems to be going right and i keep asking myself am i wasting my life at the moment, i feel like i don't have any direction, no purpose.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Top 5: Actors of all time!

Top 5: Actors of All Time

1. Morgan Freeman
A legend!This man always delivers consist performances and has one of the most distinctive voices in cinema. Best Film: The Shawshank Redemption.

2. Joseph Gordon Levitt
A true underated actor, some amazing performances and understated to perfection. Best Film: Mysterious Skin.

3. Alan Rickman
The ultimate Villain, the man is adaptable but is best as a villain. Best Film: Die Hard.

4. Ryan Gosling
Someone who is going to make a massive cult impact, charms in the Notebook. Best Film: Half Nelson.

5. Tom Hardy
Definietly one to watch and likely to be regarding in the future the same level as Ian McKellen. Best Film/Tv: Stuart: A life Backwards.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Coming Soon: Top 5 Actors of All Time

Could this guy be in my top 5 actors of all time?

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Coming Soon: Top 5 Male Actors of All Time

Could this guy make it into my top 5?

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Coming Soon: Top 5 Male Actors of All Time

Coming soon....any suggestions.......?

Top 5: TV Shows

1. ER (1994-2009)
The best TV show ever! No other show can have you laughing out loud and then reduce you to tears within 5 minutes. The glory days of the original stars were amazing, sure it dipped in quality occasionally but they still no how to deliver breathtaking television. Looking forward to a great final season.

2. Doctor Who, new series (2005-present)
The reinvention of Dr Who, was the best thing on the BBC in the last decade. David Tennant has taken the show into new levels of quality and i'm looking forward to what his replacement can do

3. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993-1999)
It's really hard to pinpoint one Star Trek series as Voyager was amazing when on form, naff when not. The Next Generation was a stand out, but Deep Space Nine, as a television series is surprisingly good. The story arch is used to great effect with the Dominion War and it really does flow very well and upon repeat viewing is brilliant.

4. Will and Grace (1998-2006)
It's arguably more mature than Friends, and although doesn't have the mass appeal, the comedy is quality. Megan Mullaneys character of Karen is probably one of the best modern female comedy creations ever!

5. Friends (1994-2004)
I was tempted to go for another Star Trek, or my love for X Factor, but there is no denying the groundbreaking Friends. The impact on modern culture is undeniable and i think will be the one show we all remember when we're on our deathbed

Top 5: Celebrity Crushes

1. Zac Efron
Not wanting to jump on the bandwagon but i can't get him outta my head!I watched High School Musical for the thrill of dancing, singing and perving on his body!

2. Jake Gylenhaal
In my opinion, one of the best actors of his generation, and think he'll only continue to impress. It helps that he's smokin hot!Loved Jarhead and Zodiac, and am looking forward to seeing, well, more of him!

3. James Franco
Again another actor who is just going to get bigger and bigger especially with his upcoming performance in Milk.

4. Mitch Hewer
Ignoring the dodgy Britannia High, i really think that he could do better stuff and is the UK's Zac Efron.

5. Danny Cipriani
Rugby never seemed so interesting!


Sorry, i've been a way for a while but now im back yay!does anyone read this? anyway ive decided to start to document my top 5 things ranging from boys to tv shows, id be really interested to see what you all think so comments welcome, thanks.x